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Animal Care

There are time-tested and natural ways to keep your pets and livestock healthy. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine.” So the first step is to feed your animals a healthy and natural diet. But more follows…

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Restoring health to cats and dogs is largely a state of mind. The steps outlined in this booklet work with nature, to guide your pet to wellness, working with nature rather than against it.

There are no shortcuts in nature. But with kindness, good nutrition, common sense and a host of natural remedies – you and your pet will enjoy a happy long life together.

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Finally an easy-to-read reference guide to help women who want to get started raising goats. Written by women, for women, this 134-page book deals with the real issues of getting started.

* overcoming barriers and resistance from family
* getting your pastures, fences and barns ready for goats
* goat health
* and much more

Animal Care Podcasts…

Raising Naturally Healthy Pets

Like humans, many of the illnesses suffered by your pets are the result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Yet the medical model – which extends to the world of veterinary medicine – seems fairly clueless in how to use natural remedies to keep your pet healthy and help it regain health when things are out of balance.

Feeding Your Pets for Health (Sustainable Pet Care)

Many of the illnesses suffered by your pets are the result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

So what are some of the healthy, natural, and sustainable ways you can feed and care for your pets without breaking the bank or incurring massive vet bills?

Factory Farms

About 95% of all the meat consumed in America is produced in factory farms. Meanwhile, about 85% of Americans say they want the animals they consume treated humanely – a big disconnect.

Find out the harsh realities of factory farming and what we can do about it.

Dealing with Animal Death (Livestock, Deadstock)

Animals will get sick… just a fact of life. And we do (or should do) all we can to care for them and help them to get better. But sometimes our best efforts are simply not enough.

When you raise livestock, you will have to learn to deal with death – either from disease, injury or butchering animals for meat.

Raising Dairy Goats (Part 1)

Raising goats on a homestead is both rewarding and challenging. How do you get started? What resources are available? What about shelter… fencing? Are you ready?

Raising Dairy Goats (part 2)

Your farm or homestead is ready, now comes the time to go out and select your animals.

  • Selecting a Healthy Goat
  • What breed, what does it look like, eyelid color
  • Hoofs
  • Visit the animal, see where it is kept
  • How will it fit into the herd, introductions
  • Psychology of the herd
  • Quarantine
  • What to feed?
  • What if pregnant?
  • Common health issues

Raising Dairy Goats (part 3)

You have your herd, or the start of the herd. So how best to care for them?

  • Basics of humane care
  • Various certifications
  • Role of herd manager
  • Recognizing a healthy goat
  • What do do when an animal is dying and dies

Raising Dairy Goats (part 4)

Most goat herders either raise the animals for meat or milk products. Either way it involves pregnancies and birth.

  • Birthing – getting to the next generation
  • Quality of the animal
  • Goat Nutrition (hay, minerals, feed)
  • What happens as kid is developing
  • What season to birth
  • Aborting or miscarriage
  • What to have on hand
  • What is labor like?
  • How to deal with labor and birth
  • What problems might be experienced
  • What do you do after delivery?

Starting a Small Creamery – featured on PBS Sept 2nd

Celeste Nolan and her family began operating a small creamery about 15 years ago or so.

Their operation, Laurel Valley Creamery, was featured in a PBS show, POV (Point of View) which aired at 10 pm on September 2, 2019.

She sat down with us to discuss how she found herself living this life, and what are the joys and misadventures of milking cows twice a day and making artisan cheeses.

Getting into AgriTourism

Making a living on any farm, particularly a small farm can be a big challenge. Many landowners turn to agritourism to make ends meet.

But what does this mean, how do you get started, and what are the pitfalls of turning your farm into a destination? Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station in a discussion of how to say goodbye to the rat race and then invite it over to your little piece of paradise.


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The unvarnished past, present and future of energy, from 1492 to today. Learn how early innovations in energy came largely due to man’s pursuit of beer. How Benjamin Franklin nearly killed himself electrocuting turkeys. How an Italian scientist believed he discovered the human soul while making frog leg soup for his girlfriend – which ultimately lead to the invention of the battery. And much, much more.